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Javier Falces


Javier is a financial expert in the infrastructure sector, specializing  in the design and structuring of Concessions and Private Public Partnerships. Likewise, he has extensive experience in national and international bidding.

He has worked for financial institutions and leading engineering companies in the United States, Spain and Latin America such as Globalvía SA (Founder and COO from 2007 to 2012), Adding Value 3P, Caja de Madrid (head of infrastructure from 200 to 2007), OHL SA, Obrascon SA, and Celtite SA. He has served on the Board of Directors of Concessions Madrid, Madrid Rail Transport, Tolls Spain, Hospital of Southeast Spain, the Coatxacoalcos Tunnel of Mexico, Aconcagua, Chile, Portugal Tramontana among others.


Javier has worked on more than 120 tenders.  He has executed and managed more than 42 projects; among them 21 highroads, 2 airports, 7 railways, 4 ports, 2 public hospitals, 1 thematic park and several renewable win parks.  Javier has experience working in Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Mexico, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia and Peru.


He is a Civil Engineer graduated from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and has en MBA from IE Business School (Instituto de Empresa) in Madrid.

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